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The Swans of Fifth Avenue

The Swans of Fifth Avenue

Book Review - The Swans of Fifth Avenue by Melanie Benjamin

"I admire that - I think that's the epitome of living, to be able to create art out of your life." An elegant quote from an elegant book. The Swans of Fifth Avenue is a historical fiction account of the friendship between Truman Capote and Babe Paley (as well as a number of other New York City socialites.) This book has everything I love about historical fiction: fashion, money, romance, culture. As a bonus, I was excited to see the author is from Indianapolis, just down the road from Bloomington!

If, like me, after reading this book you are interested to know more about the characters, I took the liberty of putting together a few articles in which you might be interested:

  1. Style Setter: Babe Paley by WWD

  2. Why Slim Keith, Infamous All-American Socialite, Is Our Summer Style Spirit Animal by Vogue

  3. C. Z. Guest: An American Fashion Icon in Photos by Harper's Bazaar

  4. The Power and the Gloria by W Magazine

  5. Life of the Party: The Biography of Pamela Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman by Christopher Ogden

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This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
The Widow

The Widow

