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Ben Sharpton

Ben Sharpton

Author Interview - Ben Sharpton


Jim Bishop’s world is ripped apart when his wife dies. Determined to be more like her, he vows to build a life of purpose and meaning through helping others. His journey takes him through the troubled lives of five others: a corporate executive, a nurse, a low-level computer programmer, a minister and a pregnant, homeless woman. Each of them have their own secrets, and each longs for a chance for redemption. Along the way, a mysterious vagrant named Gene interacts with each character, nudging them in new directions.

Author Interview - Ben Sharpton

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Author I draw inspiration from: Ira Levin. This talented author of THIS PERFECT DAY, BOYS FROM BRAZIL, and THE STEPFORD WIVES had a wonderful way of capturing societal themes and fears and using them as metaphors in the plots of his novels. In THIS PERFECT DAY, he dealt with the fears of Communism. In STEPFORD WIVES he touched on men's fears of (and retaliation against, at least satirically) Feminism. To be able to play into the world's psyche is a wonderful gift.

Author Interview - Ben Sharpton | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book: On my porch looking out over the Blue Ridge Mountains. I've dreamed of living here for about forty years and made that dream a reality two years ago. Based on seasons, weather, position of the sun or moon, the location of the clouds, the mountains are constantly changing. I love being immersed in the world of a book, and then raising my eyes to be yanked back into the reality of the mountains. It takes my breath away.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Unfortunately, I can't think of a character in a book who was an elevator repairman. So, I guess I'd enjoy spending a lot of time with "The Giver" in Lois Lowry's book of the same name. I imagine he'd have some great stories to tell me. And stories make the time go by so fast.

Author Interview - Ben Sharpton | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I always thought it would be fun to be an author. Then, in 1979 I sold my first tiny piece to a newsletter for $10, and I was hooked. It wasn't the money (obviously). It was seeing my name in print in a legit rag and knowing I was good enough to be read. Since then I've written corporate and college curriculum, short stories and novels

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: I prefer reading ebooks, hardbacks and paperbacks.

The last book I read: The Plot: a novel by Jean Hanff Korelitz

Author Interview - Ben Sharpton | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer: Computer. I don't write fast enough. Plus, I can't read my own writing and my spelling sucks.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Not to toot my own horn, but I'd enjoy getting to know Scott Moore from my fourth book, 2nd SIGHT. He's psychic and he can't control his visions, but he truly cares about the people he meets.

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: disgruntled, retired old man.You wouldn't like me. I wouldn't like me.

Favorite decade in fashion history: I loved the '60s. I hate the fashions now, but boy were they fun back then. And you could go for days without doing laundry.

Place I’d most like to travel: I taught a college business course in Klaipeda, Lithuania about twenty years ago and I'd enjoy going back there. I even included that city in my second book, THE 3rd OPTION. The Netherlands is also on my bucket list.

My signature drink: It depends on my mood. Gin & Tonic when I relax with friends. Brandy when I'm being introspective. Root Beer anytime.

Favorite artist: Dan Fogelberg was one of the greatest balladeers I've ever heard. We lost so much beauty and meaning when he passed.

Number one on my bucket list: I want to write something authentically marvelous.

Anything else you'd like to add: One of the most important things in life (at least, for me) is learning. I learn whenever I write anything, especially something as long as a novel. I have earned three masters degrees (my third is an MFA in creative writing from Queens University) and two bachelors degrees. Real learning takes work. Keep learning. My personal mantra is, "When you stop learning, you stop."

Find more from the author:

  • Website/Blog – www.bensharpton.com

  • Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/sharptonwrites

  • Twitter – @bsharpwriter

  • Instagram – www.instagram.com/bsharp53/

Author Bio: “Tell stories.” It’s one of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever received. Stories inspire people to grow and expand their horizons. They entertain. They challenge. They comfort. Simply put, they make life much better.

I’ve been telling stories all my life. When I worked with adolescents, I told stories that helped kids understand, learn, and develop. Later, as a corporate training manager for Fortune 500 companies like Tupperware World Headquarters and Universal Studios Florida, I used stories to demonstrate examples, to encourage better business practices, and to stimulate learning. As a college professor, I found stories to be instrumental in challenging people to think and comprehend.

Today I continue to tell stories. You’ll find them in my nonfiction curriculum books and all of my novels. I’ve been fortunate to publish five award winners, so far, through independent publishing houses.

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