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Avanti Centrae

Avanti Centrae

Author Interview - Avanti Centrae

Author I draw inspiration from: James Rollins is a true inspiration. Like me, he had another career before turning to writing. He was a veterinarian, I was an IT executive. His work also incorporates elements of intrigue, history, science, and mystery. I especially love his Sigma Force series – check it out if you haven’t already.

Author Interview - Avanti Centrae

Author Interview - Avanti Centrae

Favorite place to read a book: I live in the country where it's a twenty minute drive to our little town, and an hour to the big city, so the front seat of my car is my favorite spot to ‘read.’. I always have an audio book playing in surround sound on the car stereo.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with broad-shouldered Theodore Thorenson, a marine who co-stars in The Lost Power. He’s always wanted to carry the world's troubles on his back by being a covert operative, and jumps at the chance to join VanOps, an ultra-black organization with the duty to stop extreme threats. He’s caught between his mission and his simmering desire for Maddy, so I’d ask him if his shadow alliance will force him to betray her trust.

Author Interview - Avanti Centrae

Author Interview - Avanti Centrae

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I remember sitting on my mom’s lap lot when I was a child, and listening to her read to me. I loved books, words, and as I grew, would open the dictionary or encyclopedia at random, and read for fun. There was always the desire to be an author, but when I turned 50, I knew it was time to make it happen.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Yes to all the above. The Lost Power will be released November 9th in all formats at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and in most places books are sold. Ask for it at your local, independent bookstore and if they don’t have it, they can order it. The audiobook narrator will be Tim Campbell. His deep, graveled voice gave me chills when I heard his audition.

The last book I read: I recently finished The Oracle by Clive Cussler and Robin Burcell, an adventure set in Africa. Similar to The Lost Power, there's a young character who steals the show. The theme resonated with me and I enjoyed the suspenseful story and locations – I haven’t read many thrillers set in Africa.

Author Interview - Avanti Centrae

Author Interview - Avanti Centrae

Pen & paper or computer: smartphone and computer. My favorite is to sit outside with my smartphone and draft up chapters, then edit on the computer. I find I need to be in a different mental state when creating, and nature does that for me.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Maddy Marshall, the heroine of The Lost Power, is interesting, and I already feel like we’re old friends. She’s an intelligent, independent truth-seeker with special martial arts abilities. Suddenly, she's thrust into a dangerous world where her non-violent martial arts skills aren't enough to save herself or her country. I like that she always wants to do the right thing, and struggles against the thought of using lethal force. I’m looking forward to spending more time with her as the series progresses.

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: If not an author, I'd probably travel around the globe, rafting, hiking, and seeking adventure. To pay for those escapades, I’d flip houses. Although that life sounds fun, being an author is a dream that incorporates all sorts of adventure on and off the page. When I think about being an author, my smile is as broad as Texas!

Favorite decade in fashion history: the 80's. I recently attended an 80's themed prom and love the black lipstick, wild hair, and skinny ties. The music was fantastic. Am I giving away my age?

Place I’d most like to travel: Tough question, as I love an adventure and there’s so many places yet to see. I'll choose Macho Pichu for its haunting vistas, celestial architecture, and fascinating history.

My signature drink: St. Pauli Girl NA on ice. Crisp, refreshing, and doesn't slow me down.

Favorite artist: Giacometti's sculptures would look fantastic in my house or on the back patio.

Number one on my bucket list: My biggest bucket list goal is to entertain million readers with The Lost Power, so read it and tell a friend! :). 

Anything else you'd like to add: Da Vinci Code meets Tomb Raider in this award-winning thriller that #1 NYT author James Rollins called, "Full of action and suspense."


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VanOps: The Lost Power

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