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Rachel Hobbs

Rachel Hobbs

Author Interview - Rachel Hobbs

Author I draw inspiration from: Darren Shan has had a particularly large role in inspiring me as a writer. I remember picking up Cirque Du Freak as a child, because all my friends were talking about it. When I read it myself, I thought ‘wow. This book is really exciting.’ And it changed me forever, because until that point, I hadn’t read anything that had gripped me in that way. I’ve been chasing that feeling ever since!

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Favorite place to read a book: I like to curl up on the sofa in the conservatory on a warm, sunny day and get lost in someone else’s world. Pure bliss! When its cold, I’ll stick the heater on and get cosy. It’s a win-win situation, really.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Nikolai Lantsov. That guy would be far from boring!

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I knew I enjoyed writing stories from a young age. English was my favourite class at school, because I loved those creative writing exercises. Books fed my soul. But it didn’t occur to me that I could become an author until much later. Why don’t you take those story pieces and write a whole book, suggested my partner one day. It just seemed so obvious, but I was bitten by the writing bug on that day. The idea has consumed me ever since.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Hardback for pride of place, but paperback for when you want that textile reading experience. Ebook for portability, and audiobook for when your tired brain just wants to hear a story. Oh, I have to choose? In that case, I’ll go ebook. I have thousands of them waiting to be read!

The last book I read:  House of Ash and Brimstone by Megan Starks. I devoured it in just a few sittings, despite being the slowest reader in the world. The dynamic of the two main characters was really interesting.

Author Interview - Rachel Hobbs

Author Interview - Rachel Hobbs

Pen & paper or computer:  While you can’t beat a good pen and paper setup to get you unstuck, ninety eight percent of the time I will choose my laptop for a project. I like technology, and I’m glued to my screens for a good portion of my day! #Sorrynotsorry.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: I think I’d have to go with Luna Lovegood. She’s a good mix of strange and serious, and is also incredibly loyal. Everyone should have a Luna in their life.

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a:  My dream job as a child was to be vet, because I wanted to heal animals. I also went through a period of to be a psychologist. My actual day job is title, though, is dental nurse, so when I’m not fraternising with demons, I’m taking care of teeth.

Favorite decade in fashion history: I was just born into the nineties. But maybe I was supposed to be an eighties baby, because I love they way they roll. Big hair and leather? Yes please!

Place I’d most like to travel: I love Italy and if I had my way, I’d make sure to visit at least once a year! I’ve always wanted to go to Australia, though.

My signature drink:  Coffee is my go to for the daytime, and quite often, my get up and go. But if we’re talking alcoholic beverage, then I’m definitely a red wine girl.

Favorite artist: Green Day have been my favourite band for half of my life now. My love for these guys is still going strong, so I think a this point, they will always be my band! I’ve seem them live twice in stadiums, but it would be a dream to go to an intimate club gig of theirs. A girl can dream, right?

Number one on my bucket list:  When I picture the future, I see myself standing in front of a bookcase filled with rows and rows of my own published works. Each book or collective series represents a part of my life in word form, and as a whole, my life’s work in fiction. This is where I want to be down the line.

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Author Interview - Rachel Hobbs

Author Interview - Rachel Hobbs

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25 Authors: Pen and Paper or Computer

25 Authors: Pen and Paper or Computer

